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Shanghai Finance Forum 2018 and Launch Ceremony of the Global Financial Leaders Forum Came to a Successful Conclusion

发布时间:2018-12-24     浏览次数:15181

On December 15th, Shanghai Finance Forum 2018, hosted by Shanghai Advanced Finance Institute (SAIF), Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China Academy of Financial Research (CAFR) and the Global Financial Leaders Forum (GFLF), was officially kicked off. Guangshao Tu, Vice Chairman and General Manager of China Investment Corporation, Stanley Fischer, Former Vice Chairman of the Federal Reserve and Former Governor of the Bank of Israel, Howard Davies, Chairman of the Royal Bank of Scotland and other world-leading experts were present to jointly explore the mission of financial leaders in the new era.

In the context of numerous uncertainties in the world economy and the coexistence of opportunities and challenges in the Chinese economy, Shanghai Finance Forum 2018 focused on the theme of “China’s Financial Sector Opening up to the World”, bringing together the world's top scholars, politicians and industry leaders to share their insights and ideas and to explore a new roadmap for key issues in finance and global economic growth.

Qing Wu, Vice Mayor, Shanghai, and Sixian Jiang, Chairperson of the University Council, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), respectively delivered speeches on behalf of Shanghai Municipal Government and the University, followed by a welcome address presented by Jiang Wang, Chair of Academic Council, Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and Mizuho Financial Group Professor of the Sloan School of Management, MIT.

Looking forward to 2019 and beyond, what will the global monetary policy and trade frictions between major economies evolve? What is the new growth path of China's financial market? Where do global investment opportunities exist from China's perspective? Focusing on the hotspot topics of current concern, in the session of “Retrospect and Prospect: Finance & Global Economic Growth”, Guangshao Tu, Vice Chairman and General Manager of China Investment Corporation; Stanley Fischer, Former Vice Chairman of the Federal Reserve and Former Governor of the Bank of Israel; Thomas J. Sargent, W.R. Berkley Professor of Economics and Business at New York University and Nobel Prize laureate 2011 in Economic Sciences; Geoffrey Garrett, Dean of the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania; Bengt Holmstrom, Paul A. Samuelson Professor of Economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Nobel Prize laureate 2016 in Economic Sciences; and Howard Davies, Chairman of the Royal Bank of Scotland, conveyed their keynote speeches. Moderated by Jiange Li, Chairman of Sun Yefang Economic Science Foundation, the panelists also engaged in a dialogue on their topics.

The new opening of China's financial market will profoundly change the world's financial landscape. How will financial leaders deal with opportunities and challenges in the face of integration and changes? To truly play the defining role of financial markets in the allocation of resources and risks, what are the missions of financiers in the new era? During the session of “Opening-up & Development: The Responsibilities of Today’s Financiers”, Xiaoming Chen, Chairman of Jiangxi Bank Co., Ltd.; Zhengqiang Li, Secretary of CPC Committee and Chairman of Dalian Commodity Exchange; Xiaodong Liu, President & CEO of Sailing Capital Management Co., Ltd.; Jun Shao, Founding Partner, Chairman of DT Capital Partners and Ye Zhou, President & CEO of Huifu, shared their insights on their own domains in the panel discussion.

Noticeably, the Global Financial Leaders Forum, jointly sponsored by SAIF and CAFR, along with worldwide financial institutions and professionals focusing on the evolution of China’s financial sector, was officially launched at the Forum. GFLF will strive to create an open, professional and pragmatic platform of exchange and communication, a research-oriented think tank and a cooperation ecosystem, bringing together global wisdom to contribute to the modernization and globalization of China's financial industry as well as the close and in-depth integration of the world economy.

Under the theme of “Connecting China’s Financial Markets to the World”, the Forum hosted three parallel summits, namely 'Equity Investment and Listed Companies Summit', 'Wealth and Asset Management Summit 'and 'Financial Human Resources Summit'. It was also supported by Yintech, Feihe Group, Angel, Dongdu Yuelai City and DT Capital Partners.